Acid, Acidly, Acidity
A main sensory characteristic of the coffee in cup (with aroma, body and flavor), related to pH. Light roasted beans bring more acidity
The coffee fragrance that lingers in your mouth after coffee is swallowed
Espresso beverage made with double-quantity water
The most widely cultivated type of coffee bean that grows at high altitudes (2,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level) At the same time it is superior to the other major coffee type, Robusta.
Fragrance, a main sensory characteristic of hot, freshly brewed coffee
The description of a coffee cup in which no characteristic overcomes the others. It is the combination which is pleasant and interesting
The Italian name given to skilled, experienced espresso machine operators
Blade Grinder (Mill)
An appliance that grinds coffee beans through the action of a sharp blade
The operation of mixing two or more single-origin coffees
A main sensory characteristic of the brewed coffee> It refers to the sensation of heaviness and thickness when you 'chew' the coffee.
The process of coffee making. Pouring hot water through a bed of ground coffee
Brew Group
The area of an espresso machine containing the grouphead, the portafilter and the filter baskets
Burr Grinder
A coffee grinder made of two metallic discs --”” one stationary, one rotating --”” which provides even grinding without burning the coffee
Caffé Latte
One shot of espresso enriched with three times the quantity of plain or steamed milk
Caffé Mocha
Caffé Latte with chocolate, caramel or other aromatic syrups
A mildly stimulating substance found in coffee and several varieties of tea
The drink of thirds: One-third espresso, one-third steamed milk and one-third frothed milk
Cinnamon Roast
Also known as Light Roast or New England Roast, Cinnamon Roast provides a cup that is more sour and acid in taste
City Roast
Also known as Light French, Viennese or Full City Roast, City Roast is considered to be the regular roast type, but lighter than espresso roast
Coffee Bed
The ground coffee that is prepared for brewing by portioning, tamping or packing
Colombia Coffee
Wet processed coffee collected from small producers, milled and exported all over the world by Colombian Coffee Federation. It sells by grade (Supremo is the highest) or by botanical variety Bourbon is the best).
Continental Roast
Also known as Espresso, European or After-Dinner Roast
The dark, golden-brown, thick foam that covers the surface of espresso. A sign of well brewed espresso
Dark French Roast
A type of roast that is almost black in color and tastes bittersweet in the cup
Decaffeinated; Decaff
Coffee free of caffeine. The decaffeination process is applied during the green stage of the coffee bean
The process of releasing gas (CO2)by fresh roasted beans. As long as CO2 release continues, the coffee bean is protected from oxygen action, or stalling.
Half a cup, or a three-ounce cup
Dispersion Screen
A component of the brew group in the espresso machine. It has the appearance of a very fine, round-shaped, metallic riddle.
A double espresso
Dry processing
The method by which the coffee fruit is removed from the beans without using water
Drip Tray
A tray that sits under the brew group of the espresso machine, and collects the drips resulted in the brewing process
A brewing process in which water (1.5 oz.), heated to approximately 200F, is pushed through 7 grams of hard packed coffee bed, with the force of 9-10 bars
European Roast
Also known as Continental, Espresso or After-Dinner roast
The diffusion of flavors, caffeine, oils, colloids and other compounds found in ground coffee, into hot water, in the brewing process
A main sensory characteristic of the coffee in cup (with aroma, body and acidity)
Describes the scent of dry, ground coffee before it is brewed
An appliance used to create foam in coffee or milk
Frothing Pitcher
A twelve-ounce (or larger) pot in which milk is frothed to make cappuccino
Full-City Roast
Also known as Light French, Viennese, Light Espresso, City Roast or High Roast
Green Coffee
Unroasted coffee beans
An appliance that grinds the coffee beans
That part of the brewing group that connects the portafilter with the dispersion screen
Heavy Roast
Also known as French Roast or Spanish Roast, tasting bittersweet to burned
High-Grown Coffee
Coffe of Arabica provenance, grown at an altitude of over 2,000 feet
Heat Exchanger
A device with a knob that allows the user of an espresso machine to switch from “brewing mode”? to “steaming mode”?
That part of the coffee grinder that holds the beans
The case, or the shell of the espresso machine
Italian Roast
A dark roast that tastes bittersweet and smells nearly burned
Knock Box
A bin or tray where the coffee grounds are dispensed
Also known as Caffe Latte, an espresso enriched with steamed milk (1/3 ratio)
Lever Espresso Machines
The first espresso machines in which water pressure was created by pushing a lever manually
A type of espresso
Light Espresso Roast
Also known as Light French, Vienna, City, Full-City or High
Espresso enriched with a small quantity of frothed, hot milk
Grinder, a definition used for blade grinders or manual grinders, for example Turkish mills or pepper mills
Moka Pot
A stove-top coffee maker. Moka (or mocha, mocca, moca)is also a single-origin coffee from Yemen
A process that occurs when coffee is left in contact with the grounds after the brewing process has ended
Organic Coffee
Coffee grown without using pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals. The coffee has to be certified by a third-authorized party as “organic”?
A device used to make coffee by making the boiling, steaming water go through the coffee bed, several times
Another name for the manual espresso machine. The barista has to operate it himself, by pushing a lever, in order to force the water through the coffee grounds.
A pre-packed, pre-tamped portion of ground coffee
That part of the brew head where the coffee is put
A device which, on some espresso machines, replaces the thermostat, maintaining the temperature inside the boiler
Professional espresso machines manufactured for the home-user
Shot. A memory of manually operated espresso machines
The device that delivers the water pressure
Recovery Time
The amount of time the espresso machine needs to brew again, after the previous shot
Double-dose espresso, which uses 14 grams of ground coffee with 1,5 oz. water
Another name for 'body'
The other major type of coffee besides Arabica. Robusta is inferior in quality, poorer in flavors and richer in caffeine
Semi-dry processed coffee
The method of processing coffee in which skin is removed from the coffee fruits and then is allowed to dry naturally
The term that describes the brewing process for espresso
Semi-automatic espresso machine
An espresso machine that leaves the brewing time to the user
Single-origin coffee
Unblended coffee
The damaging action of O2 over the roasted coffee
Steam Wand
An external pipe on espresso machines that steams milk, provides hot water and heats the cups
Super-automatic Espresso Machines
Espresso machines which fulfill other functions, which, on previous types of machines, were left to the user
Tamp; Tamper; Tamping
The action of hard-packing a portion of ground coffee, to prepare it for brewing espresso. The tamper is a metallic knob used to carry out this activity
On some espresso machines, the usual heating system is assisted by thermoblocks, to reduce the waiting times
The device that maintains the water temperature in the boiler of an espresso machine
A coffee which did not maintain contact with the ground coffee long enough. Weak coffee
Water Softener
An advanced filtering system
Wet Processed Coffee
Also known as washed coffee, wet processed coffee derives from the process of removing the fruity part from the coffee beans by wet methods
A bean that has been roasted but not ground
A single-origin coffee, the Yemen is the world's oldest cultivated coffee.